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London Fashion Photographer at London Fashion Week 2019 | Behind the Scenes Content for Fad Charity & Fashion Futures

As a London fashion photographer, I love all things fashion so when I was asked to photograph behind the scenes content at London Fashion Week 2019 for Fad Charity and their project Fashion Futures, I was stoked! 

Fad Charity is an organisation that aims to help young creatives build a sustainable design career no matter their background. The charity break the boundaries and stereotypes that still exist within the fashion industry, and shortlisted designers are selected to have their pieces walk the runway at London Fashion Week. It is an absolutely revolutionary era and an incredible time to be alive, and I love what Fad Charity do! They are lead by the incredible Maria Alvarez and are also backed by incredible volunteers and a great team. At the end of this London fashion show, several winners from different categories are appointed, and it is an incredible way for young designers to be recognised for their talent. 

Having photographed London Fashion Week the year before as a London fashion photographer, it was exactly as I had remembered. From the bustle of designers and models and makeup artists getting ready for their London fashion show, to producers and organisers making final amendments, London Fashion Week isn’t for the faint hearted! 

Being a London fashion photographer, I went around backstage capturing moments that would’ve otherwise been missed, and the overall buzz of London Fashion Week is infectious. Each model starts off at the makeup stations where a makeup artist will work their magic on them. Lined with rows of vanity mirrors and a sea of makeup products that I probably cannot pronounce, it is clear that there is one main goal between everyone: to pull off the best show London Fashion Week has ever seen. 

After the models are all glammed up, we headed straight for the runway for a rehearsal of the show before the real thing. This is super important to figure out the logistics of the London fashion show: from knowing when it was time for the models to come out, to where they would stand for the optimal photo opportunity from London fashion photographer and press photographs alike. The models are all briefed so they know exactly what is going to happen and so there is no confusion whatsoever. Believe me, it’s a lot more complicated than it seems but a vital part of the show. I got a few paps whilst this was all happening.

When the final logistics are all figured during the rehearsal, the models then did a mock walk down the catwalk and worked their magic. As a London fashion photographer, I was in the Photographer’s pit testing the light whilst this was happening. It was also a cool time to get to know other fashion photographers in London working at London fashion week. 

After this, it was time for the models to change into the pieces they were showcasing. This is done at the last minute to avoid spillages/any chance of the clothing being ruined. 

Being backstage at London fashion week as a London fashion photographer is an incredible experience and I was so glad to be back for yet another year! I can’t wait to share my catwalk and runway images too which will be in another blog as I didn’t want to clog this one up. 

Enjoy the photos! X

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